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Is lichaamsgericht therapeut en Meditatie, Tantra en Yoga docent. Ze is een beeldend kunstenaar, genezer en Holistisch, Biodynamisch massagetherapeut. Haar missie is om mensen te empoweren tot volle bloei. Ze is oprichtster van Blossom Body, Temple of Happiness.

Is a body oriëntated therapist and Meditation-, Tantra- and Yoga teacher. She is artist, healer and hollistic, biodynamisch massagetherapist.
Her mission is to empower people into full bloom. She is founder of Blossom Body, Temple of Happiness.

“.. When I see pictures of myself from a few years ago, it strikes me how bad I was embodied. "It's like I was sort of split off. I remember when I was a little girl I often played that I was a witch. Or a cowboy. I ran through the garden wrapped in a rain cape. Loud my witch's laugh, roaring. Or I imagined myself on my horse and riding through the prairie. Enthusiastically jumping and neighing.. In the course of my youth that enthusiasm has changed. My parents were traumatized people with a war past who had no space to look at themselves or at me. They got married/divorced/married and divorced again allwaysfighting. As a small child I did not feel seen or heard and developed a very strange image of myself and of the world. I felt inferior. I was ashamed of myself and dark sides emerged. Parts of myself that I pushed away, that I felt guilty about. I had no faith in other people and certainly no faith in myself. I lost connection with myself and felt numb. Over the years I did a lot of healing work and learned to embrace and contain myself in all my aspects. My vital life energy has started to flow again and I wish you the same... I see you as an enormous powerful being who is way too little aware of it. Conditioned as we are to adapt to our environment, which was not always supportive, we have learned not to live our full potential. Loving ourselves as the God/Goddess that we are.”.
Gabriëlle Zwueste
Gabriëlle Therese Zwueste
Founder Blossom Body, Temple of Happiness

Veertien… Ja 14 jaar geleden alweer. Op 1 – 10 – ’10 om precies te zijn werd mijn droom waarheid. Ging ik mijn Zielsmissie leven. Blossom Body, House of Happiness werd geboren. Aanvankelijk alleen in Yoga en (Stoel-)Massage. Maar wat een groei maakte ik door! Inmiddels uitgebreid met Bodywork/Lichaamsgerichte Therapie/ Energy Healing/Coaching/Trainingen/workshops/retraites..
Weet jezelf welkom.!

Fourteen… Yes, 14 years ago already. On 1 – 10 – ’10 to be precise my dream came true. I was going to live my Soul Mission. Blossom Body, House of Happiness was born. Initially only in Yoga and (Chair) Massage. But what growth I experienced! Now expanded with Bodywork/Body-oriented Therapy/Energy Healing/Coaching/Trainings/workshops/retreats..
Know yourself welcome.!

Fourteen… Yes 14 years ago already. On 1-10-’10 to be exact my dream came true. Blossom Body, House of Happiness was born. Initially only in Yoga and (Chair) Massage. But what growth I experienced! Now expanded with Bodywork / Body-oriented Therapy / Energy Healing / Coaching / Training / workshops / retreats..
Know yourself welcome!

“ZO GEK JOH.. Als ik foto’s van mezelf terug zie van ’n aantal jaren geleden dan valt ’t me op hoe slecht ik in m’n lijf zat. ‘Tis alsof ik niet m’n eigen lijf bewoonde. Ik weet nog dat ik als heel klein meisje vaak speelde dat ik ’n heks was. Of een cowboy. Ik rende gehuld in ’n regencape door de tuin. Luid mijn heksenlach schaterend. Of ik beeldde me in dat ik op m’n paard zat en door de prairy reed. Enthousiast springend en hinnikend.. In de loop van mijn jeugd is dat enthousiasme veranderd. Mijn ouders waren getraumatiseerde mensen met ’n oorlogs verleden die geen ruimte hadden om naar zichzelf of naar mij te kijken. Ze zijn getrouwd/gescheiden/getrouwd en weer gescheiden met elkaar en ze vochten elkaar de tent uit. Als klein kindje voelde ik me niet gezien of gehoord en ontwikkelde een heel raar beeld van mezelf en van de wereld. Ik voelde me minderwaardig. Ik schaamde me voor mezelf en er ontstonden schaduwkanten. Delen van mezelf die ik wegduwde, waar ik me schuldig over voelde. Ik had geen vertrouwen in andere mensen en al helemaal geen vertrouwen in mezelf. Ik raakte de verbinding met mezelf kwijt en voelde me verdoofd. Door de jaren heen deed ik veel helingswerk en leerde ik mezelf te omarmen en te containen in al m’n aspecten. Mijn vitale levensenergie is weer gaan stromen en dit gun ik jou ook zo… Ik zie jou als een gigantisch krachtig wezen die zich daar veeeeel te weinig van bewust is. Geconditioneerd als we zijn om ons aan te passen aan onze omgeving die niet altijd supportive was of is hebben we geleerd om niet ons volle potentiëel te leven. Van onszelf te houden als de God/Godin die we zijn.. “
Gabriëlle Zwueste
Gabriëlle Therese Zwueste
Founder Blossom Body
“.. When I see pictures of myself from a few years ago, it strikes me how bad I was embodied. "It's like I was sort of split off. I remember when I was a little girl I often played that I was a witch. Or a cowboy. I ran through the garden wrapped in a rain cape. Loud my witch's laugh, roaring. Or I imagined myself on my horse and riding through the prairie. Enthusiastically jumping and neighing.. In the course of my youth that enthusiasm has changed. My parents were traumatized people with a war past who had no space to look at themselves or at me. They got married/divorced/married and divorced again allwaysfighting. As a small child I did not feel seen or heard and developed a very strange image of myself and of the world. I felt inferior. I was ashamed of myself and dark sides emerged. Parts of myself that I pushed away, that I felt guilty about. I had no faith in other people and certainly no faith in myself. I lost connection with myself and felt numb. Over the years I did a lot of healing work and learned to embrace and contain myself in all my aspects. My vital life energy has started to flow again and I wish you the same... I see you as an enormous powerful being who is way too little aware of it. Conditioned as we are to adapt to our environment, which was not always supportive, we have learned not to live our full potential. Loving ourselves as the God/Goddess that we are.”.
Gabriëlle Zwueste
Gabriëlle Therese Zwueste
Founder Blossom Body
Gabriëlle Zwueste 0334-2

“Let your dreams Blossom with Blossom Body”

Gabriëlle Therese Zwueste

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Blossom Bodywork sessies
zijn op afspraak.

BlossomBody Coaching sessions are on appointment


Information and appointment:
Gabriëlle Zwueste
T: (+31) 6 24256185 M: hello@blossombody.nl

De Vrije Uitloop Coöperatief U.A.
KvK 59442689
BTW NL853488162B01

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