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Pfff.. I’ve had it for most of my life.
In spiritual circles THE message pretty much. To forgive as quickly and as much as possible. Go for it Chant, pray, meditate. Send pink light and love to the perpetrator.
And right they are. Because if you don’t forgive the other, you don’t forgive yourself. With all its consequences.
Not forgiving eats away at your energy level and your health. I noticed that.
Had little energy, was depressed, felt numb.. But also back, intestinal and stomach complaints, even cancer came along.
So just forgive. Letting go. It’s that annoyingly simple. Whether you like it or not. Or not??
I’ve tried. Just like, by the way, “just” cursing the other person and breaking off contact. Stocking off. Like forgiving my narcissistic parents over and over again. Or the cult leader who raped me.
Tried to at least be “open to forgive” as I learned from writer Louise Hay.
I was totally into her for years. Read her books on positive thinking. Affirmed and visualized me drowsy. Really taught and gave me a lot. I just couldn’t forgive. As much as I wanted. Felt guilty and powerless about it. The pain was too deep…
What if the trauma is still in your body, in your cell memory? They didn’t say that to me.
Fortunately, I discovered how essential it is to follow the wisdom of the body. Where talking often doesn’t touch the core, your body “knows” everything. Just because it can’t lie.
In this way, to heal myself, I became a kind of jack-of-all-trades in the field of body-oriented and energetic therapy. Acquired super efficient tools such as Tantric Shamanic De-Armouring, Kundalini Activation, various energy healing forms, Biodynamic massage therapy and more. Tools to, as I discovered, help myself and the people I guide in my practice quickly and really on their path. Satisfying
So please let’s stop guilt-tripping each other.
Simply forgiving, letting go, is often too short-sighted and often only possible after you have felt your emotions. Because nothing works as effectively as that when cleaning up old ballast.
“Emo” means movement. Emotions want to flow. And as human as it is not to want to feel pain, you pay a high price for it as I found out.
I wish you to be like a tree through which the wind blows. Allow your emotions completely in a safe way. passing through you. Without getting into the story. That is, I believe, an act of Self-Love and much less painful than you think. Even blissful! Seek guidance that you feel safe with.
Because emotions are pure life energy. And repressed life energy is repressed you!
With love
P.s., On October 8 and 15 you can participate in the Kundalini Activation / De-Armouring Training. you can already register.
“The only way we can experience someone or something in the outer world is by feeling your body. The entire cosmos is experienced as a bodily sensation”
– From Living this Moment. Sutras for Enlightenment
For me, the most important thing in releasing my life energy is sinking deeper and deeper, landing in my body. Embodyment and everything that comes with it. Look at everything that comes loose on that journey. Embrace. To feel..
I’ve worked with him 3 times. He was a sensitive, conscious man of about 40.
He had no experience with bodywork. Well with mindfulness and found it quite exciting about the 1st time. A slightly sunken chest and bright blue eyes. He was looking for more flow in his life. Feel his feelings more. He could be very hard on himself.
We spend the 1st session on arriving. Really arrive in the body. Sink deeper and relax.
The emotions came. Because of the deep relaxation and safety he experienced, he was able to let go as deeply as he hadn’t been able to in ages. The accumulated tensions are released in a fit of crying.
The next time we worked with psychosynthesis to place the strict superego outside of itself.
The massage that followed allowed him to release more on a cell level. Flow. Appropriate.
Grateful for this experience
(I share this with his permission)
Because nowadays there is a lot of publicity around the concept of Tantra, which is not always positive, below is my vision.
Tantra is a thousands of years old way to enlightenment and means Loom in Sanskrit (ancient Indian).
“Loom” stands for the big picture in which life takes place (microcosmic and macrocosmic). In other words, all aspects of yourself, your life. Everything you encounter in yourself and everything that your environment mirrors you.
Meeting and embracing all those aspects, those opposites is deeply healing. In openness and acceptance of what is.
Through Tantra you not only work with the development of your consciousness, but you also make contact with the power of your vital life energy and the male and female energy poles within yourself. For me it is very important that this takes place in a really safe and loving bed in which you can be completely yourself with everything you carry with you.
The loom weaves everything into one whole, one creation, just as a piece of cloth is created by weaving the threads. And so you feel more alive and more connected to yourself and the world around you.
In my Tantsche workshops and retreats I invite you to play from a safe bed and to gain new experiences in which you always remain autonomous and it is encouraged to connect with what is right for you. Indicating your limits from moment to moment.
Do you want to experience what Tantra can do for you? Feel welcome to join a Tantric Delight evening on Sep 29 and Dec 22. If you realy want to dive deep join the Tantric Christmas Temple Retreat on December 27.
Informatie en afspraak: Gabriëlle Zwueste
T: (+31) 6 24256185 M:
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